Monday, December 20, 2004

When Do I Get To Kiss Halle Berry?

Big thanks to Jess over at LOSLI who has graced your good Doctor with the absurdly undeserved "Best Hip Hop Culture Blog" award. I'm not even sure this is a Hip hop Culture blog, and I'm damn skippy that it's far from the best. There's some real geniuses out there in the blogosphere, many of whom are only a click away, so hit the links to your right, y'all!

In fact, in honor of all those more deserving than I, the spirit of ODB just rushed the blog-mic...

Please calm down. O-Dub went and bought J. Smoov an outfit today that cost Diffrn't Kitch a lot of money, because Coco B'z figured that Hardly Art was gonna win. Byron don't know how you all see it, but when it comes to the children, Sho Many Scrimp is for the children. Gub'mnt Names teach the children. Tha Diabolical's Dispo is good, but Catchdubs is the best. Better'n Your'n want you all to know that this is Beats n' Rants, and EXO love you all, peace.

Jess also was kind enough to bestow sister-site Mr. Babylon with the "Best Teacher Blog" prize, and I'll be much less humble in my acceptance speech for that one if you don't mind. There are a number of good teacher blogs out there, the vast majority of which are written by people who are probably much better teaachers than is our dear Mr. B. Hombreblanco is blogging 'em to def, though. Holla!

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