Wednesday, June 22, 2005

It's All Downhill From Here


I fear for the future of our nation.
A few of my reasons:
  1. The good ones are going fast. When's the last time your Representative hand-wrote you a letter, showed up at your daddy's funeral, or did jack-shit to help the poor? RIP Jake.
  2. Kids like this idiot are gonna be voting soon.
  3. Something tells me this sissy doesn't get his ass kicked every day at school. He should. (Dude's parents need a prescription for this stuff, stat.)
  4. This war shit is really getting out of hand. How long before every poorly educated, under-privileged, naive, 18 year old we have is over there with a leg blown off?
  5. Back in Decatur we used to do stupid stuff like this all the time, only we could swim. And didn't live in the 3d world. RIP kid.
  6. I admit it, I laughed my ass off at this Tom Cruise kills Oprah nonsense.
I missed the NBA Finals game last night, because I was busy rubbing shoulders with the rich and the famous at an event at the National Arts Club curated by my girl Alexa. I wore a tie! I tied it myself!

DAMMIT MAN! Me & my dudes just watched Wrestlemania I the other night. SO MUCH ENTERTAINMENT! Some especially E-Dip-tian wardrobe decisions
WWF-related animated gifs coming soon to my internet too!
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